Now I understand shame...
"We have recorded your RPGA judge test success but you can't benefit yet from the RPGA judge status to order events online until you are 18 years old, or until we have a valid birthdate in your record.You can update your personal information online, or you can contact the RPGA staff to update your status when you reach 18 at can still participate to RPGA events as a GM or as a player. Check for the details about the RPGA programs.Thanks for your interest in our programs.
The RPGA."They ask, "So Alex, why don't you role-play any more?""I was disbarred," I say.
I don't understand. Did...did you fall?
It's true, you CAN accidentally have sex with a prostitute.
'The Bush divorce, completed in April after 23 years of marriage, was prompted in part by Bush's relationship with another woman. He admitted in the deposition that he previously had sex with several other women while on trips to Thailand and Hong Kong at least five years ago.
The women, he said, simply knocked on the door of his hotel room, entered and had sex with him. He said he did not know if they were prostitutes because they never asked for money and he did not pay them.
"Mr. Bush, you have to admit it's a pretty remarkable thing for a man just to go to a hotel room door and open it and have a woman standing there and have sex with her," Brown said.
"It was very unusual," Bush said.'
I'm sure the Bush boys had a bit of a chuckle about it. Little did they know that these women are actually here to clean the room, no doesn't often mean yes and they're not struggling because they "like it rough".
My Conservative Friends, Cum Out Of Your Caves!
I'm linking to the Herald Sun but I swear, I didn't swallow.,5478,18548094^1702,00.html
"Friend of the Unions" Kim Beazley seems intent on riding the luddite wagon into oblivion. I wonder how the cheese-filth encrusted scrotum of (L)owest (C)ommon (D)enominator Australia must taste. Certainly not like victory.
Maybe we want to use something that might actually work for the people so concerned with R18+ content.
• A big sign with 'Jebus is watching you'? • Maybe a quickie 11th Commandment?
• Fred Phelps on prime time TV yelling vague, incoherent, brimstone-related threats?• Roving bands of trans-gender censor mutants?Admittedly, the last one is a vanity project.
Rabbit Furcoat
Perry Bible Fellowship Cos man cannot live on bread alone. You need rabbit sex jokes.(crazy side note, Rabbit Furcoat by Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins just popped up on my playlist)
Tori 1, Aaron 0
From IMDB. The title is about as far as I should have read - that way I would have walked away with a chuckle, rather than quiet indignation.
"Tori Spelling's parents have reportedly stopped talking to her after poking fun at her mother in a recent episode of her new show."
Being dissed by Tori Spelling. It's like losing an argument with furniture.
I am the Enigma, No-one understands me. Except Dentists.
The Guardian, must spend so much time and money purposefully generalising articles.
"We mocked their make-up and giggled over their gloom. But the goths are taking over the country. "
I guess that means we're one step closer to having American foreign policy dictated by The Cruxshadows. Cos if we have to have a drug-addled simpleton running the country, I want to be sure he can lace Rumsfield's corset.Beats Skull & Bones I guess.
God Hates Lambs
If ID is the one true theory, then that giant God being hates lambs.
There are many reasons why this poor creature is doomed.
1.) Leg of Lamb.
2.) It can't run.
3.) It's delicious.
What kind of god keeps deliberately making delicious, stupid and/or slow animals? Why make the cow - unless of course neatly cropped grass is part of that macguffin plan you keep trotting out?
Don't get me started on Darwin.
fist (sic) post
Personal blog rules - applied haphazardly, moderated unsuccessfully, scattershot logic:
1.) Whining reserved for special occasions. Festive Whining.
2.) No cam whore-esque plea for sympathy. Occasional cam whore-esque plea for goods or services.
3.) No attention to detail, except where warranted. Warranting occasionally warranted except in cases where typing the same damn word (or it's variations) over and over causes it to lose all meaning. Oh yeah, 'warranted'.
4.) Jocular tone throughout - occasional maudlin lapse where necessary.
5.) No context given for nerdy jokes.
6.) No links to poorly written 'what salad am I' type personality tests. And I'm Waldorf.
7.) I'll start as many damn sentences with a conjunction as I wish. See rule 6.
8.) More amendments will follow.
That is all.
Thanks for reading, going back to life of crime now.