Rewiring Jesus for the new age
Those wacky Gnostics want to ret-con Jesus some 1700 years ago. For those who haven't been following, the Gospel of Judas has been unleashed by the National Geographic Society. Here's the crux of the thing.

Judas: "Done."
Jesus: "Your reward will be great."
Judas: "Done."
Jesus: "Now, before you say no, I want you to know that I.."
Judas: "I'll do it."
Jesus: "Judas, you're not listening to me, Judas."
Judas: "Where's my betraying hat? I knew I put it down somewhere."
Jesus: "Also, I'm having a...get together. It's just me and the disciples. I know we're close but, maybe if we weren't seen together...well, you know."
Judas: "Oh. I see."
Jesus: "But don't...don't worry. There'll be a Second-Last Supper. Just you and me."
Judas: "..."
Is this new conspiracy going to change anything? Most likely not. Probably just give the Gnostics the impetus to sue Dan Brown.
I remain unsaved and hellbound. By reading this, you'll all be there to cushion my fall.
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