Jewel Kilcher - Singer, Songwriter, Agent of the Mythos?
"Kiss the Flame" by Jewel Kilcher came up on my playlist. It all seems pretty normal until she starts shilling for the Elder Gods with her superliminal propaganda.
"Cause I'm tired of all these pilgrims, these puritans, these thieves. Of all these unbelievers who whittle love down at the knees. Let these swift roads destroy themselves, Let the world fall into it's sleep, For we shall be spared, We shall be left standing, To face what's left of concrete and honey."
After sorting through the neo-pacifist babble, here's a translation: Only the true faithful will survive when Great Cthulhu rises from Ryleh. Worship him and praise his name.
"Kiss the flame, Let's run with the hunted, the untamed. Kiss the flame. Embrace the faceless, the unnamed. Kiss the flame."
Translation: Also, worship Hastur.
Not enough proof? Here's a line from her song "Down so long"
"I've been down so long that the end must be drawing near."
When Jewel makes a break for the ocean, I trust you'll be converting with me?
Good Job! :)
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